7/31/12 Not one minute of any given day, do I not remember the events that changed my family’s lives forever. The last day of each month is a constant reminder of that. I just turned the kitchen calendar over to the next month, August. The first thing I noticed was the picturesque tropical setting on the top page. We bought this calendar as a reminder of what we missed out on last winter and what we promised to each other would happen this winter. I thought to myself, this is the month. This is the month that we will move forward. This is the month that this nightmare will end and my life will be back to normal. I have had that thought every month for what seems like an eternity. In all my negativity, every new month I try to remain positive. I try to convince myself that this is it, we are done with this. We are in the eleventh month of this journey and all of us are eager to have some consistency back in our lives. If I don’t feel that way about a new month then I think I would continue to flip the calendar, month by month and have no progression, no resolution..ever. I would not be satisfied with that.
For the most part, my family has dealt with these demons in their own ways. Some of us, better than others. Usually what happens is someone snaps for no particular reason. Sometimes it’s anger, sometimes it’s sadness, sometimes it’s blame and sometimes it’s just pure hatred. A whole host of emotions has, at one time or another, come over each and every one us. Most of the time you cannot pinpoint the trigger or the event that blows the top off, it just happens. There really seems to be no rhyme nor reason on what demon will come out that day or how explosive it can be or which one of us it will come spewing out of.
What makes it difficult as a parent or a wife is not knowing how to deal with your own feelings let alone trying to deal with everyone else’s. As a matriarch, we put ourselves last on every list. Matriarchs feel every single emotion that runs through every single family member, whether it involves us or not. Matriarchs feel responsible for the success or failure of their kingdom. We don’t rest until everyone else is happy, regardless of our own emotions. Matriarchs stand tall, show no emotion and accomplish the task at hand. Unfortunately, this matriarch broke her own rules and had a small breakdown in her kingdom.
For some reason, the past few days have been extremely emotional. And like I said earlier, we all have our own issues and our own drama, if you will, happening. I personally have been overwrought with worry for my father. He has struggled and suffered long enough. It’s time for his ordeal to be over with as well. The thought of him and my mother so far away from me makes me feel helpless. But every time I talk to him on the phone he tells me “not to worry, he will be just fine, you have your own problems.” That’s only comforting for about one second. I hate not being there when he his sick. It drives me to the point that I cannot focus on anything else. The thought of the two of the most important men in life suffering at any given moment stirs emotions in me that are uncontrollable. So when drama inside of my kingdom happens, I tend to ignore my prince and princess and concentrate on what matters to me at that moment. And right now that is my father and my king.
Yet, at the same time, I am so anxious for what will happen this Thursday at the next orthopaedic appointment. This is going to be the deciding factor on where our lives will go next. I hate that feeling of no control over what happens next in my life. Where my life goes from here, is completely up to everyone but me. It’s truly not fair that you cannot dictate your own future. It’s truly not fair that you have absolutely no control over anything. Life should be what you make it, not what someone else hands you.
It’s a scary feeling, and if you have not been there yet (and you will), I will understand exactly what you are going through.